Monday, July 16, 2012

Aptivities for the Classroom: Learning Vocabularu

Electronic Flashcards

Flashcards are probably the best way to learn vocabulary.  In my classroom, I have found that students also excel at vocabulary when they can pair words with images to represent them.  The only problem is, some of my kids can't draw.  My solution: a vocabulary App called A+ Flashcards for the iPad or iPhone.

Advantages of A+ Flashcards

A+ Flashcards lets students enter in words and definitions on notecards.

They can then add pictures from a Bing search or they can choose to sketch their own picture.

Once they have added all of the information for a stack of cards, the students can study and sort the cards based upon their knowledge.

  Students can share their cardstacks with their teacher to earn credit for completing their assignment electronically.
Students can

Other Uses

A+ Flashcards comes preset with common SAT words to help students prepare for their college entrance exam.  It also pairs with Quizlet to assist teachers in setting up vocabulary assessments.


 This is a great way to make studying vocabulary tech-savy and fun!

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