Friday, July 13, 2012

The Khan Academy

During my grad class this past week, my instructor introduced me to an amazing site that is definitely worth sharing.
Imagine managing a help study hall for students who are struggling with English.  This, I can help them with.  Now, imagine these same students have questions about biology or need a one-on-one review over solving linear equations to complete their math homework.  While I have some knowledge in this area, I am definitely not an expert. Enter, Khan Academy .

What's Khan Academy? 

According to their website the Khan academy houses over 3,200 FREE videos that offer instruction in algebra, physics, history, finance, and even calculous.  It even offers SAT prep sessions to gain some quick review without having to sit in a classroom full of other students.

The best part: students who miss lectures or are unclear about a concept from class can go on the site and watch a review tutorial of classroom concepts taught by an instructor.  They can stop the videos to replay the visuals over and over until they understand what is being taught.

Education of the future

Could this be the future for classroom teaching?  Is there a way for teachers to integrate these videos into their classrooms so that students can accelerate their skills or receive reteaching on their own time?

Not convinced? 

Check out this clip from 60 Minutes that shows how a school is using Khan Academy to in its curriculum.

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